Course curriculum

  • 1

    How to Use this Portal for Successful Onboarding

    • How To Use this Portal for Successful OnBoarding

    • How to Use this Portal Quiz

  • 2

    Marketing and Lead Generation 101

    • How do you generate leads?

    • Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Billing

    • Alternate Lead Generation Platforms

    • Lead Generation 101 Quiz

    • BONUS: How do Google Ads and Facebook Ads Work Together

  • 3

    Types of Leads

    • Types of Implant Marketing

    • General Dentistry, New Patient, Emergency Marketing

    • Landing Pages

    • QUIZ: Types of Leads

    • Schedule your Marketing Call

  • 4

    Lead Management

    • Importance of Lead Management

    • HOW TO: Intro to the CRM

    • HOW TO: Understanding Patient Profile and Short Notes

    • HOW TO: Utilizing the Search Bar

    • HOW TO: Booking Consultations

    • HOW TO: Lead Management And Nurturing

    • HOW TO: Establishing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

    • HOW TO: My Profile Tab and Updating Password

    • HOW TO: Utilize the Search Feature

    • HOW TO: Pulling Reports

  • 5

    Implant Sales Center

    • How does the Sales Center Work?

    • Sales Center Hours

    • What the Sales center CAN and CAN'T do.

    • Sales Center Call Structure

    • Problems/Issues Escalations

    • SALES CENTER LESSON ONLY - Booking and Rescheduling Consultations

    • Use of Calendly or 3rd Party Calendars

    • HOW TO: Set up Calendly (initial set up)

    • Details Needed to Book on Your Behalf

    • HOW TO: Adjust Calendly Availability

  • 6

    OPTIONAL: Microsite Sales Academy

    • Access to the Sales Academy

  • 7


    • What happens now? Marketing is starting!

    • Marketing Meetings, Tracking, Expectations

    • Points of Contact and Communication