Course curriculum

  • 1

    New Chapter

    • 1 Setters Introduction

    • 2 Setters Phase 1 Greeting

    • 3 Setters Phase 2 Getting Quick Information Part 1

    • 4 Setters Phase 2 Getting Quick Information Part 2

    • 5 Setters Phase 3 Frame the Call Part 1

    • 6 Setters Phase 3 Frame the Call Part 2

    • 7 Setters Phase 4 Information Gathering Part 1

    • 8 Setters Phase 4 Information Gathering Part 2

    • 9 Setters Phase 4 Information Gathering Part 3

    • 10 Setters Phase 5 Confirming Understanding

    • 11 Setters Phase 6 Building Value

    • 12 Setters Phase 7 Booking the Appointment

    • 13 Setters FAQ Answering Price Questions

    • 14 Setters FAQ How much does it cost when your office does not want you to quote price

    • 15 Setters FAQ How much does it cost when your office wants you to quote price

    • 16 Setters FAQ Why does this cost so much

    • 17 Setters FAQ How do you determine how much it is

    • 18 Setters FAQ How long does this process take

    • 19 Setters FAQ How do you take care of the new implants